Thursday, September 5, 2013

The post Dragon Con blues

Dragon Con 2013 is over, and you've no doubt you've slumped back to your regular life. It's always tough resuming a mundane existence each year after the con. We find that you need at least until the following weekend to fully recover. Maybe more.
What does PETA think about dragon slaying?

With recovery in mind, we thought it'd be good to rehash some of the most memorable moments at this year's Dragon Con. When you're feeling down, think of these gems and maybe things won't seem so bad.

Or your longing for the con will grow exponentially and you'll cry to the heavens for just one more Buffy panel. Either way, enjoy:

* The wedding at the end of the parade that got interrupted.

* The endless wait for the elevator that almost made you take the stairs that one time. Almost.

* That "Last Dragon Con" song that's now stuck in my head forever. THANKS OBAMA.

* The food court. You despise the thought of visiting it, yet you're also drawn to its tantalizing culinary options. In January you'll find yourself standing in its center weeping for what could have been.

* "Doctor Who" actor Sylvester McCoy speaks to a crowded ballroom of Who fans. Did you participate in the scarf limbo? 

* That moment when you parked your car, realizing you wouldn't move it for four days, and had finally arrived at Dragon Con.

Hope everyone had a great con. See you next year.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Mechanical Masquerade

Sunday was unfortunately the last night of Dragon Con 2013. Attendees refuse to let such things go lightly. That's why they held the Mechanical Masquerade -- a party billed as the time travelers place to be.
A Steampunk grin without a cat?

What that typically means is plenty of Steampunk outfits. Not that we're complaining. People put immense amounts of time into their costumes. Additionally, pretty much any costume can be made Steampunk.

For those of you scratching your heads: Steampunk is a subculture that envisions a world filled with machines powered by, you guessed it, steam. That means zeppelins fill the sky, clockwork gears are always in vogue and everyone has a pair of goggles atop Victorian hats.

The goggles are so you can see through the ether when you're piloting your skyship. Or something.

Like most events at Dragon Con, you must get there early just to stand in a line for at least 15 minutes before the doors open. The masquerade was one of the better events with timing. We were in the ballroom before Unwoman had started her set.

You've been naughty.
Great show, by the way. Cello, haunting voice. Every masquerade needs both.

As the musicians played, the costumes made their appearance. You got your typical fare of top hats and shiny vests, but there were a few surprises. Like the spooky evil witches who still haunt my dreams.

Yours truly also got a chance to meet his future self. Dr. Clayton Forrester made an appearance, though that picture is sadly in the hands of another at the moment. You'll have to check back or follow ARiquelmy on Twitter for a chance to see two, I said two, Dr. Forresters in the same place at the same time.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Meanwhile, at Dragon Con central

There are some great costumes at Dragon Con 2013.

We're not just talking about the parade. Some of the best costumes don't come out until Saturday and Sunday nights. That's when people go con walking.

You. Are. Awesome.
Never heard of it? No problems. Con walking is an ancient tradition handed down by Dragon Con forebears in which attendees dress up, wander the various con hotels, have people randomly ask them for pictures and in return take pictures of others.

Some people may imbibe. This is optional.

Saturday night we met with the aforementioned Stevie D, whose picture is restricted from appearing on this blog for safety reasons. From there we found winged goddesses, men with gills and at least one Colonel Sanders.

And, of course, the seemingly endless supply of Matt Smith and David Tennant Doctors.

Waka waka waka. It's Fonzie stormtrooper.
What's next on our plate? Sunday is the last full day of Dragon Con, and it's another chance to hit the dealers room and a few panels we haven't seen yet. Be sure to check out the Museum of Alternate History if you already haven't. It's in the Westin.

If you're here, give us a shout on Twitter at ARiquelmy. Give us a shout even if you're not here.